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Principles of Engineering

Project type

Mechanical Systems


November 2016, April 2017

This collection showcases some of the projects I undertook during my high school class, Principles of Engineering. The projects encompass a solar- and hydrogen fuel cell-powered car as well as a fully operational programmed elevator.

The solar- and hydrogen fuel cell-powered car project involved designing and building a vehicle that harnesses renewable energy sources. By integrating solar panels and a hydrogen fuel cell, the car demonstrates sustainable transportation alternatives. This project required a combination of engineering principles and practical implementation to create an efficient and environmentally friendly mode of transportation.

The programmed elevator project focused on constructing a functional elevator system. The design incorporated various components, including switches, a range-finding sensor, and a winch and pulley system. By programming the elevator's behavior and integrating these mechanisms, we created a reliable and controllable elevator that simulates real-world functionality.

Both projects in this collection exemplify the application of engineering concepts and hands-on problem-solving skills. They showcase my ability to design and construct complex systems, considering factors such as energy efficiency, control mechanisms, and practical functionality.

These projects from my Principles of Engineering class serve as a testament to my passion for engineering and my ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges. They highlight my dedication to innovation, sustainable practices, and the practical implementation of engineering principles.

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