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Cookie Dunker

Project type

Machine Design


April 2021

The Cookie Dunker project was undertaken as part of the ME 170 course at Iowa State University. The assignment challenged us to identify a problem and devise a solution, incorporating the use of a cam and follower mechanism that met specific criteria. In our group, we decided to tackle the challenge of achieving the optimal cookie-dunking experience by designing a machine that could submerge cookies in milk for the perfect amount of time. Additionally, this machine would eliminate the need for fingers to enter the milk while dunking/retrieving fully submerged cookies.

Collaboratively, we conceptualized a design and utilized SolidWorks to create 3D models of various machine components. Determining the desired rise, fall, dwell times, and displacements for the cam and follower, I took charge of translating this information into a cam profile that could achieve these specifications. Combining all the parts in a final assembly, we effectively demonstrated the functionality of our design.

To showcase our machine's operation during the final presentation, I developed an engaging animation that highlighted the key steps and mechanisms involved in the cookie-dunking process. This visualization effectively conveyed the machine's functionality and contributed to the overall impact of our presentation.

The Cookie Dunker project enabled us to apply our knowledge of cams and followers in a practical setting. It required careful design considerations, accurate modeling, and an understanding of motion principles to ensure the machine's optimal performance. Through collaboration and effective use of software tools, we successfully developed a solution that addressed the challenge at hand, enhancing the joy of consuming cookies without getting your fingers in your milk.

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